Welcome to an inspiring journey into the world of sourdough baking with Jaimie, the talented artisan behind the popular Instagram account, @TheSourdoughFlourist. Hailing from the picturesque Vancouver Island in British Columbia Canada, Jaimie has cultivated a passion for sourdough that is as infectious as it is delightful. In this exclusive interview with The Sourdough People, she shares her insights, experiences, and the artistry that goes into each loaf of sourdough bread. From her initial inspiration to her self-taught journey, Jaimie’s story is a testament to the beauty of perseverance and creativity in baking. Whether you’re a seasoned baker or new to the sourdough scene, Jaimie’s journey is sure to inspire and captivate. So, grab a cup of coffee, settle in, and let’s dive into the world of The Sourdough Flourist. Don’t forget to follow her on Instagram to witness her beautiful creations and to glean tips and tricks that will elevate your sourdough journey.
Can you tell us about your initial inspiration to start baking sourdough bread and how you began your journey as @thesourdoughflourist?
I’ve always been into baking and cooking. I first attempted to create my own sourdough starter over 13 years ago… How time flies. I failed and I wasn’t able to find a mentor or much information on how to go about it so I gave up at the time. Fast forward years later, the timing was right after we finished building our home. We moved in February 2020 and a friend gave me some sourdough starter and I began the journey. It was a learning experience, to say the least. A lot of trial and error- all self-taught. I would do whatever kind of research I could but most of the time it was just practice that improved my skills. As a stay-at-home mother I began playing with scoring, and that is where I discovered my passion for designing on the dough.
Being based in Vancouver Island, how do you feel your local environment and culture have influenced your approach to sourdough baking?
I began my sourdough journey just before the world shut down. To be honest, I don’t feel like there was too much of an influence around my environment other than my internal drive to discover this art. However, as I began my journey online with Instagram, I began to meet such an incredible community of passionate bakers, which was so fulfilling meeting others like-minded.
Sourdough baking is an art and science. What, in your opinion, sets it apart from other forms of baking?
Sourdough is such an art and science as you say. I believe that you have to practice this art over and over to truly read and understand the dough and process. You are working with a spontaneous wild yeast that requires many elements for it to grow and do its magic. Not only that but if you get into the idea of scoring that in itself is another art form as you need to learn depths and pressure to create the design you like.
Could you walk us through the process of developing a new sourdough recipe? How do you balance creativity with traditional techniques?
When I create a new recipe, it’s usually something that I’m craving or I have seen or heard of something that truly intrigues me. I usually end up throwing in a little of this, and that which always makes it a challenge to write a recipe. Over the years, I’ve improved at documenting what I create so I can share it, but it’s still not easy for me to do. I feel that adding different spices or inclusions definitely adds a unique flare to something more traditional.
How do you approach the visual and educational aspects of your content creation on Instagram?
I am very much a visual person, and another element I do enjoy is staging, photographing, and also videoing my bread and other creations. You can set yourself apart by adding your own personal touch. As you can tell in my creations I love to garden, and I always incorporate some kind of foliage or flowers amongst my designs. Another thing I like to share with others is that sourdough is not so complicated. After being self-taught, I have learned ways that can make it a lot easier and not so stressful with certain tips and tricks. Sourdough is actually quite forgiving, and even if it doesn’t work out, you can always eat it and try again.
In what ways has social media, particularly Instagram, impacted your journey as a sourdough baker and artisan?
With social media, in particular Instagram, I have met some of the most incredibly kind, baker enthusiasts that I’ve become friends with over the years. I’d say it’s like a community like no other. Everyone is very supportive and always willing to share or troubleshoot with each other if something isn’t working. There is no competitive feeling, which is such a rarity.
You often feature various products, tools, and brands in your content. What guides your choice in these collaborations?
I like to be authentic with what I share when I do collaborations. I know that the product I’m using does work well and is an essential yet practical tool that anyone could use. My absolute favorite tool is my wiremonkey lame. I do have a few that I use for different design techniques. Also, the bread mat is another great addition to my baking collection.

What challenges do you think beginners face most often when they start sourdough baking, and what advice can you offer?
I think one of the biggest challenges as a beginner in making sourdough is understanding the dough itself. One of the things that I always had trouble with at the beginning was learning at what point it was fully proofed. I would say you’re always better off with an over-proofed loaf than an under-proofed one. Here are some signs to notice once it’s ready: Has my dough doubled in size? Does it feel light? And are there bubbles around the edge of the dough? These tips can be very helpful to read if the dough is ready to be pre-shaped.
The choice of flour and ingredients can significantly affect sourdough. How do you select your ingredients, and what impact do they have on your bread?
I always use organic flour in my bread. I think that is a very important element to avoid any contaminants. I think the cleaner the better. One of the inclusions I love adding to my bread is cinnamon. This can impact the fermentation process when you’re using it with sourdough. My best tip for including it in your dough is to add it in a lamination process during your first or second coil fold, doing it this way will avoid affecting the fermentation process as cinnamon can interfere.
Is there a particular sourdough recipe or bread type that you’re most proud of? What makes it special to you?
I do have a fantastic recipe for an enriched sourdough loaf with raisins. To me the texture is incredible and it’s so satisfying. A good friend of mine orders it often as it’s her and her husband’s favorite. She often will pre-cut it and will freeze the rest so her husband doesn’t eat it all at once.
For someone new to sourdough baking, what are the essential tools or products you would recommend?
You don’t need much to get started. I would recommend as an essential is a dutch oven and a digital kitchen scale. That’s truly all you need. That’s what I started with, and you can create as much bread with those two tools as you like!
How do you stay inspired and continue to innovate in your sourdough baking?
I go through waves of being incredibly inspired to other times at a loss. I find being in nature or looking at art and books to be very inspiring. Also, the sourdough community online is an exceptional inspiration. There are so many artistic and gifted bakers out there. I could not even begin to share just one. I have friends across the world who create the most incredible loaves and original ideas and it’s always so inspirational.
What are your future goals for your Instagram account and your sourdough journey?
My future goal has changed I thought I wanted to pursue a cottage-style bakery but I’ve learned that I love to teach sourdough methods. There are so many ways to go about it depending on your schedule, recipe, process, and so on. But near future goals are to share the art of it. To teach others that it’s not that hard and the investment of time of worth every moment.
How do you manage the balance between the artistic side of baking and the business aspect, including working with brands and content creation?
It is a bit of a balancing act. I feel they all feed into each other as a process. Scoring is one of the artistic sides of sourdough that flows into creating the content, which is also very creative too. Staging bread in a way with textiles and floral props, accenting with natural lighting all come together to give it something unique. Plus using certain brand tools during the journey to complete the whole process.
Lastly, what piece of advice would you give to someone who’s just starting their sourdough baking journey and looking to make it a part of their lifestyle?
Three ideas come to mind, Just ask. There are so many amazing bakers out there that are happy to help. 2. Don’t overthink it, just trust the process. 3. Lastly, it does take a lot of practice to get it but you’ll get there. We all started at the same place.
Closing Thoughts
We hope you’ve enjoyed this insightful interview with Jaimie, the creative force behind @TheSourdoughFlourist. Her passion for sourdough baking and her dedication to sharing her knowledge with others is truly inspiring. We’re grateful to have had the opportunity to showcase her journey and the artistry that goes into each loaf of sourdough bread.
As we continue to explore the diverse world of sourdough baking, we invite you to join The Sourdough People’s email newsletter for more inspiring stories, tips, and recipes. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram at @sourdoughbread.ca and consider using our intake form to submit your own interesting story or topic ideas for being featured on our website.
Together, let’s keep the sourdough community thriving and growing. Thank you for reading, and happy baking!